classes are held at various locations and in easy reach of most people living on Merseyside
I run a number of weekly art classes which run through the year, with a summer break in August. These classes are ideal for complete beginners through to those who have limited experience. Also for people seeking to improve on what they are already doing. The majority of people who join did a little art at school, and nothing, or very little in succeeding years, but always had the urge to take it up. And that's all you need to join, just the desire to do it and learn.
My classes are structured to teach from the very basics, through to more creative ways of doing art and includes pen & ink, collage, using palette knives and more...
Sadly, many people believe you have to be born with a natural talent to be able to do art. Not true! You can learn art in the same way as most things in life, such as learning to drive a car, bake a cake, or play sport. Yes, it does require practice and the more you practice, the better you will become, but you do need guidance and help. I'm a great believer that you need to know the very basics, starting with the drawing process and I will teach you how to draw in proportion, then moving on to other processes.
All day Saturday class, held once a month
If you cannot make a weekly class, then you might consider the all day Saturday Class, held second Saturday of each month. This class follows the same structure, again, learning from the very basics, step-by-step. As it's an all day class, in the summer months we go along to a local spot (the Hayloft), where we sketch a variety of subjects. Then we return to the class room where in the afternoon you can turn your sketches into a finished painting.
I want to put information in here about my art class. Keep going I want to put information in here about my art class. Keep going I want to put information in here about my art class. Keep going I want to put information in here about my art class. Keep going I want to put information in here about my art class. Keep going I want to put information in here about my art class. Keep going
Life drawing classes, for beginners and those more advaned
I run two life drawing classes, working directly from the model. An all day Saturday class, monthly, first Saturday of each month at Lydiate L31 4HL. Also, a Tuesday evening at the bluecoat art centre, Liverpool.
Life drawing is the best way to learn drawing skills, as you need to be able to draw up the subject accurately. I teach the 'thumb and pencil' method. This is the best method for measuring any subject.